Why Batman Forever is so Important for the Web
Published: March 13, 2017
You may have heard the name Jeffrey Zeldman before. He’s often referred to as the godfather of the web, and […]
The Origin of the IMG Tag
Published: March 7, 2017
Why is it the <img> tag instead of the <image> tag? The answer, it turns out, dates back to one of the web’s earliest browsers and one of the web’s earliest discussions.
When Rotuma Came to the Web
Published: February 27, 2017
The web distributes access, access to information, and access to one another. Access on the web is what brings us to small island off the coast of Fiji, where web pioneers forged a unique community.
A Brief History of Hypertext
Published: February 20, 2017
Without hypertext, there would be no World Wide Web. But its name and conception predate the web’s creation by decades.
The Web After Suck
Published: February 13, 2017
A web magazine springs up from the depths of Hotwired, and captures the imagination and attention of a growing web audience.
The Many Faces (And Names) of Mozilla
Published: February 6, 2017
One of the web’s most influential browsers has roots that date back to its earliest days, and an evolution that has transformed it several times over.